Todays Wordle

Not sure where you get 2134 from.

It depends on which dictionary, but there are at least 8996 5 letter words. So to pick the right one in one go is 1 in 8996 (minimum)
In a recent interview with BBC Radio 4, Wardle revealed that he has programmed the game to accept over 12,000 possible guesses (based on the number of five-letter words in the dictionary), but that only about 2,500 of those words are included in the game. . pool of randomized acceptable solutions. More specifically, the game’s source code indicates that according to online analysts, there are 12,972 acceptable guesses, but only 2,315 solutions.
4 today, pondered a bit after finding only one letter in the first 2 guesses. but by looking at what was left for guess 4, it could have only been one word.

3 again today, thought i was being really clever and was sure i got it in two, even bragged about it at the time, but alas my hubris was short lived.
4 for me. Annoying that I thought of the word for my 3rd and then thought of another option and went for that instead.

Anyone else playing on Hard Mode?
I switched to hard this morning, got lucky with 3 green on my first go and got my best ever result with a 2.