Another grift, the idiots will buy into it though. He’s not even innovative with his business ideas, he just copies everyone else, on the cheap and hopes his brand will make it profitable
I've been to the commons a couple of times for events, I broadly know a couple. Don't make assumptions about what I have or haven't done.
It's being an extremist to claim all politicians are self serving scum. It simply isn't true.
anyway, I've got more important things to do today, than get...
I'm not a smoker, I drink but not "anti-socially". My drinking doesn't involve littering, smashing things up, insulting people, fighting, shouting loudly at 3am. My drinking impacts nobody but me. That cannot be said for vapers and smokers that stand in the doorways of pubs, or walk around...
That's true, I hate going in beer gardens, because it's like being in a crack den
I don't want to stop them vaping and smoking, but just not around other people. I'm not sure what the answer is though
I think he likes the transaction, the deal of paying for them, if he didn't have to pay he'd probably be limp, if he feels he got a good deal, the best deal, then he's good to go
It IS better than the other option, they're at least straight and honest about what they are doing and what they intend to do. IF they get the economy moving again then we get to judge. If the tories had got the economy moving again, the masses would have seen no benefit, the 1% would with tax...
You misunderstood my comment, I'm aligned with much of what you say, and I was adding the point that allowing the continued wealth transfer we have today is the cause of much of our problems.
I absolutely agree we have to disincentivises the hoarding of wealth, your mega tax, would stop the...
Well it’s not chaos and we knew there would be cuts. So I’ll accept it as “could be a lot worse”. The root and branch changes though are going to take a lot of time and patience
It’s a disappointing start, but I wouldn’t write them off and they’re still better than the chaos under the Tories or god forbid reforms unscrupulous destruction
The many faces of Kamala Harris. Trump only has a couple the bored look that he has during attention lulls during his droning speeches; the pursed pouting lips when he’s annoyed that someone is holding him to account and he’s about to lash out; and the childish half smile half grimace when he...