Well that's fine, you do that. As a non anti-social drinker you have no need to concern yourself with my posts which were aimed at those who compare social with non social.
That's not what I'm trying to do. My point is that antisocial drinkers don't have the moral high ground over antisocial smokers so are not in a position to "whatabout" them.
I drink but don't smoke but yes, it's the anti-social aspect of drinkers and smokers that I object to and I don't think that the former group can claim the moral high ground over the latter.
I see drinkers in my local park every time I go in there.
I see drinks cans and bottles lying in the streets every time I walk into town.
I see p!ss stained alcoholics littering the streets and sitting outside restaurants.
He takes huge donations from people with links to private healthcare whilst talking about "fighting the middle class lefties who oppose expanding the NHS's use of private health providers."
I have never trusted him.