Fan-Led Football Review Results Tomorrow Night


Staff member
Tracey Crouch and their team have liaised really closely with fan groups throughout and the recommendations are expected to be really positive for EFL football fans. We won't know exactly what they are recommending until tomorrow night but looks likely to be calling for independent regulation and fairer distribution of the wealth. Both things that the EFL is behind now. Will the post European breakway Premier League be in a position to resist reform?
As I say we don't know what they are recommending yet - but there are very positive signs ahead of the Wed 11pm announcement. Timed to catch the nationals.
As I say we don't know what they are recommending yet - but there are very positive signs ahead of the Wed 11pm announcement. Timed to catch the nationals.
Timed to catch the nationals but all EFL fans will be either in or thinking about going to bed.

Are you sure they are listening!!