Peerage for Houchen, Knighthood for Clarke

Apparently Dorries was in line for a damehood but she was pulled as it would cause a by election. She resigned anyway.
Sadly we won’t. All we can do now is make sure nobody votes for these crooks and charlatans at the ballot box. The reason they do this is because “we” gave them a mandate (and I don’t me personally).

I used to despise the Tory party but now I despise Tory voters because if your enabling these cretins ( and I don’t care what weak excuse you tell yourself) then you are just as culpable.

If you voted Tory at this last election all this is on you.

Sir Michael fabricant.., fk me
Sir Bent Houchen - sold the family silver to Tory mates and Sir Spineless Clarke - the mastermind behind the Truss disaster budget. You think things can’t get any worse and then they do and nobody seems to care - what has happened to make this country so apathetic?
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Anyone from abroad will tell you that it is the class system that really lies at the root of our problems, economic and industrial. The House of Lords symbolises that.

Tony Benn
If you travel widely in Europe, and to a lesser extent LATAM, you will find the class system alive and well in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary and Portugal.