This is a clear symptom of the breakdown in our society that has been coming. Forget the supposed immigration rhetoric, thats the wrong label for whats really going on, it isn’t all just the far right either, its peoples hope that has been lost, buried for good. Burning cars, destruction of property and looting of shops is a mere symbol of what we have sown politically as a nation, what do many people have in their lives, no jobs, zero hours at a push, no money, poor housing, education systems that fail the disinterested, poor parenting, kids allowed to run riot, out of sight out of mind.
Social housing eroded for decades encouraged by capitalist governments and their avarice, slum landlords, selling off the nations infrastructure for a fast buck, ordinary working peoples greed to get cheap shares for a fast buck to pay for a trip to Benidorm. The reliance on foodbanks and a benefit system that a few even seem to aspire to as they have never known anything else. Kids of primary school age even carrying knives, prisons full, the Police too few to cope.
For years, no, generations, whole families and areas across the UK have been ignored, failed and left to rot by political parties of all colours, politicians don’t care because they know they wont vote as they are disenfranchised while people struggle for food, housing and now access to health. Politicians should be the ones ashamed, but so should people like me, the general electorate, for doing nothing, most people have fiddled while Britains has burned, the internet fuels lies and allows virtually unpunished freedom to foreign state actors to sow division and misappropriate blame. The division between the haves and have nots is ignored by the majority of the haves, so long as people buy their nice house, nice car, nice holidays and nights out they could not give a fig about the people on nearby estates whose kids are kicked out and sometimes don’t come home till 4 in the morning, never go to school, get gifts off drug dealers in return for spotting and carrying.
We have parts of the UK that the police are reluctant to enter, their are parts of towns and cities up and down the country I will not dare to go, where will it all end, it feels so very different to riots that blew up in the past, its no wonder those that can are leaving the country. It will all be music to Mr Putin though, we’d be an easy state to take over right now if he wasn’t occupied elsewhere.
Rant over, I’m off to find my inner peace, I just can’t seem to find it today.