Rescued a female blackbird this morning

Nice one, blackbirds are lush. The breadth and variety of their song, especially when the males get older, is amazing.
I heard a commotion in my conservatory yesterday. I was surprised to find a wren flapping around like mad. I managed to shepherd her to an open window. Thankfully no damage to the bird as she flew off with a bit of a chirrup at me, as if to say, “Don’t leave your door open in future.”
I heard a commotion in my conservatory yesterday. I was surprised to find a wren flapping around like mad. I managed to shepherd her to an open window. Thankfully no damage to the bird as she flew off with a bit of a chirrup at me, as if to say, “Don’t leave your door open in future.”
Wrens are very inquisitive little blighters even though they are quite shy. Watch out for them around sunset when the bigger birds are settling down for the night and the garden is quieter.