See London...


Well-known member
just not in the UK . London / British themed huge attraction opens in Macau

The Londoner

Visitors are expected to bring plenty of warm and weather resistant clothing, queue for everything, eat jellied eel pie and liquor and if they have a complaint, please button it and keep it to themselves - perhaps
To add extra authenticity you need a few northerners stood outside moaning about how "it's *****" and how expensive it is, ideally ones who've only ever been to Leicester and Trafalgar Squares. Bonus points if one buys a sandwich from Harrods and reuses the bag for years afterwards.
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Anybody else get history today overtones when they read the the thread title
I was reading about the Paris commune the other day and came across this photo of Theophile Ferre, the communes chief prosecutor. Made me laugh as he reminded me of David baddiels front history today. Spent ages looking through old photos of other 19th century revolutionary types to see if I could spot a proffesser FJ Lewis but no luck.

To add extra authenticity you need a few northerners stood outside moaning about how "it's *****" and how expensive it is, ideally ones who've only ever been to Leicester and Trafalgar Squares. Bonus points if one buys a sandwich from Harrods and reuses the bag for years afterwards.
You will get a mention on the arrogant people thread with that reply. 🤣🤣🤣