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Does anybody else think it is not as funny as years ago, sat through it last night and didn’t even crack a smile, I knew exactly what points they were portraying but not that funny for me.
The reason original was so good is that number of people that were involved in it from script writers to voice artist was huge infact name a modern comedian/writer and chances are they worked on it.

scripts we’re written and rewritten up to an hour before it was aired as well.


The voices were provided by British impressionists including:

And look at this for a list of writers



Thanks for clarifying. I'd have believed he and Derek Whyte were sat on the team bus banging out sketches....😉

I think it was always a bit hit and miss to be honest. The memorable moments have always been great.

Dominic Cummings was the best character in the reboot. Hard to keep him in it once he's out of office.
Obviously the shock of the new was a big factor when it started, and there were still basically 4 TV channels and video recorders cost several weeks wages, if not a months. Also remember there was pretty much no where else to see the people being lampooned other than on those channels. I still watch it when I can, but the world's changed and I don't think we'll really see anything make that sort of impact again, which is a shame in a way, but also inevitable.