Is there anyone on here who doesn't have left wing views

The first change should be the number of MPs

“ As of the 2019 election there are 533 constituencies in England, 40 in Wales, 59 in Scotland and 18 in Northern Ireland” Total 650
We don’t need 533 mp’s in England. But it does help when you’re gerrymandering the boundaries.
This is exactly the type of person I’m talking about . Put a comedic reference to nazis in it to belittle a legitimate opinion that you happen to dislike . Classy. Like on the left, there are different shades of right wing . Being on the left doesn’t make you automatically a Commie or a corbyn supporter , nor does being on the right make you a nazi

Regarding not wanting NF not elected to the other poster , so wanting europe actually to take a harder stance on illegal migration suddenly means you want a historically nazi party ? Le pen is pro Putin **** and I have no doubt she would make europe a lot worse place if she was elected. I’m a conservative but I don’t want homosexuality illegal or nationalism which is what Putin politics wants to bring to Europe. Nationalism starts wars . The more people are ignored on this important issue , the more people will vote for nationalists in Europe and the more likely Europe is once again fractured to the extent war is likely . Putin is deliberately trying to get migrants into Europe because he knows it is changing these countries for the worse and it is allowing him to create spheres of influence . Slovakia has just elected a pro Russian politician and they’re in the eu and nato . If we don’t tackle this , this discontent will grow

Europe to me is one of the richest continents culturally in the entire world and also one of the most tolerant too . To ensure our politics are not going to the extremes we need to ensure this migration policy is a lot harsher and stricter . It is STILL too soft and tolerant
What would be the conservative approach to removing the causes of illegal migration?
The first change should be the number of MPs

“ As of the 2019 election there are 533 constituencies in England, 40 in Wales, 59 in Scotland and 18 in Northern Ireland” Total 650
We don’t need 533 mp’s in England. But it does help when you’re gerrymandering the boundaries.
There used to be more infact there were not enough seats to house them all how crazy is that
The first change should be the number of MPs

“ As of the 2019 election there are 533 constituencies in England, 40 in Wales, 59 in Scotland and 18 in Northern Ireland” Total 650
We don’t need 533 mp’s in England. But it does help when you’re gerrymandering the boundaries.
The trouble with reducing the number of MPs is it makes accessing an MP more difficult. Having them set to certain constituency sizes means that everyone should have the same ability to contact their MP and bend their ear. If you halved that amount of MP's, the knock on effect would be you would have to increase expenses to allow them to recruit more office staff to deal with constituent queries and complaints. Currently most of the expenses budget already goes on travel to london, accommodation there and staff costs
What are "left wing views"?

For me, my countrymen and women have the right to:

* A decent home with a roof over their head - not dependent on how much money they have in their pocket.
* A good reliable cheap efficient publicly-owned public transport system across the country - especially in rural areas where existing private providers often neglect isolated communities.
* Decent inflation-indexed pay for Nurses, Teachers, Doctors and all workers across the public sector.
* Access for everyone to free NHS services at point of use, with Local Area Health Authorities planning and providing services, not private companies or care providers.
* A National Care Service for all those who need care and support in the community [in public ownership, not private ownership] - under control of the Local Area Health Authorities.
* A National Minimum Wage of £15 with the use of tax-credits and support for those in work on low incomes.
* Abolition of Zero-Hours Contracts, with temporary and "Bank" workers given the same rights as contracted workers, with paid maternity leave, holidays and sick leave.
* Public ownership of Railways, Postal Services, Electricity, Gas and Water: to allow proper co-ordination, planning, and investment: keeping the "profits" in the country for our people and keeping prices as low as possible.
*Increased social security for the long-term sick and disabled, with abolition of the current punitive "benefits" system.
* An immediate increase in pensions and social security set to the levels of 2010.
* Support for small businesses with a realistic rate support grant, set by local authorities, funded by central government.
* Provision of free child care across the country.
* Abolition of tuition fees.

"Left wing"?
No, just basic human decency.
Therefore, it’ll never fly!
Unfortunately, the people who would be disadvantaged by such things (the 0.001%) control the media narrative, and tell the masses that the the things above are unachievable, we can’t afford them etc. This country is full of people desperate to be told what’s good for them by the so called ‘elite’. There’s no left or right, just right and wrong.
No, just basic human decency.
Therefore, it’ll never fly!
Unfortunately, the people who would be disadvantaged by such things (the 0.001%) control the media narrative, and tell the masses that the the things above are unachievable, we can’t afford them etc. This country is full of people desperate to be told what’s good for them by the so called ‘elite’. There’s no left or right, just right and wrong.
Watch out!
You sound like a "common senseist"
I`ve heard of your sort.
Flippin RED!!!

If anyone voted to leave the EU they are also dragged out, sometimes called a thick racist gammon and all lumped with UKIP. Even though 62%? of who voted on Teesside voted to leave the EU. Many of those voting who don't at General Elections.

I get the impression the board is quite well educated and well educated football fans are often left of centre. They have come from working class backgrounds and actually see inequalities and poorer opportunities for working class young people, because they have mixed in different class backgrounds. They also see those in good positions in society are often no different to those who aren't, they are neither cleverer or work harder, but are possibly paid much more, because they present better and have the right contacts.
On this point, I have lost count of the amount of people in my work life who I’m told are clever, only to find out for myself that they are not clever, just posh!
It’s amazing how people are sucked in by such things. I must add however, that the Teessiders I have worked with are not fooled by such things, as I think we generally are less trusting and likely to take people at ‘face value’.
I think I’m disadvantaged in some ways by my accent, I’d be interested to learn how others perceive such things.
I started as being labour left wing in the early 70s. Flirted with communist leanings for a year or two. Back to labour left and a big supporter of Tony Benn.
In the 80s I realised we would never win an election under Foot , Kinnock or their ilk despite them being superb orators with sound policies for the working man.
I liked Blair despite him drifting to the centre as I knew it was the only way to defeat the Tories.
Then along came Corbyn and despite rallying the left I knew Labour would never be elected under him. For the first time in over 47 years I didn't vote Labour ( General,local or European elections)..
I'm a bit meh about Starmer but know his centre leanings and policies are what we need to get back into power and make a difference to ordinary peoples lives.
On this point, I have lost count of the amount of people in my work life who I’m told are clever, only to find out for myself that they are not clever, just posh!
It’s amazing how people are sucked in by such things. I must add however, that the Teessiders I have worked with are not fooled by such things, as I think we generally are less trusting and likely to take people at ‘face value’.
I think I’m disadvantaged in some ways by my accent, I’d be interested to learn how others perceive such things.
Officers are clever.
One told me
[Pass the port]
Starmer is standing against Sunak…that’s the choice.
You don’t have to be a ‘person of the left’ to see the difference. Given their personal background

Keir Starmer came from a working class family but passed the 11 plus and went to a Grammer school on a Scholarship He went on and studied law at the University of Leeds, graduating with first class honours and a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree in 1985, becoming the first member of his family to graduate.

Representing Greenpeace, Miner's,Dockers Print workers , on Picket lines as a human rights observer. Donated his fees to the NUM,

Stopped Shell sinking the Brent oil platform and prevented an ecological disaster

Represented Helen Steel and David Morris against Mcdonalds in a 10 year legal case

Represented those facing the death penalty in commonwealth countries as part of The Death Penalty Project legal team.

Worked in Northern Ireland as a Human rights adviser to the police on 2002 after the peace process.

Prosecuted Westminster Peodphile ring, prosecuted 23 grooming gangs and changed how police deal with historical sexual abuses cases and victims of domestic violence.

Victims’ rights to challenge decisions over criminal investigations, strengthened and duty to report suspected child abuse. Keir Starmer.

Represented the Council tax protestors when Thatcher was in power.

Raised public Scrutiny of the USA forces visiting UK to live in less secret society

March against the Iraq War,wrote to Blair saying it was illegal.

Took Government to court over the decision to deny welfare benefits to asylum seekers

Represented Greenpeace agsinst the widening of the M3 and destruction of Downs Land

Prosecuted MPs for cheating on their expenses

Represented Poll tax protestors in the 80s with free legal advice

1992 Took Tories to court as they didn't provide a just translation for Miner's.

Took on Murdock for phone hacking

Changed prosecution guidelines for those of historical child sexual abuse. Enabled Saviles victims to have a voice in enquiry against Savile

Wrote Victims Law and changed how, police ,CPS and courts deal with victims of sex crimes and domestic abuse.
Sometimes it might just be because they are cleverer and work harder you know, but then it wouldn't suit your bias.
I'll wil change the word "often" to "sometimes" in my post. I do get a bit emotional at times. I was trying to get over how society is far from fair. Social mobility is not what it should be, but you may of course disagree. I would guess the majority of this board is left of centre because they feel society as a whole is not as fair as it should be.
@Boroboyyo, genuine question for you.

How do you reconcile wanting harsher and stricter immigration policy against your earlier points saying you don't want the government involved in life and you think capitalisms the best system?

If you're someone who generally wants the market to decide what public projects get invested in, what public services we have and how much money people have then I think you have to accept that this comes with high immigration baked in. For the market it'll always be more "efficient" to import skilled people from other countries rather than train them here - e.g., doctors, engineers, software developers.

If you want lower overall immigration you need to ensure the country doesn't fall apart by having a much more planned economy.

The things you seem to want directly contradict one another.

For what it’s worth , I’m not a neoliberal

I understand the country needs some migration and agree with that . For example , my colleagues are Nigerian and Indian and they’re highly skilled in the IT sector. These people are highly educated and assimilate . I’m 100% on board with that . That’s not what I’m talking about though , I’m discussing the migration that is happening that merkel encouraged where many are coming to Europe posing as refugees. Wanting to live in europe for a better life is not a refugee and many of these people are being instructed by the traffickers on what to say to ensure they are able to reside here. It is happening on a vast scale and it is changing the social fabric of europe for the worse . The markets are not dictating this , it is people who are being too naive and taking what everyone says to them at face value .

As I said , the latter I described is a serious threat to Europe and it needs much tougher measures to combat it
Starmer is standing against Sunak…that’s the choice.
You don’t have to be a ‘person of the left’ to see the difference. Given their personal background

Keir Starmer came from a working class family but passed the 11 plus and went to a Grammer school on a Scholarship He went on and studied law at the University of Leeds, graduating with first class honours and a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree in 1985, becoming the first member of his family to graduate.

Representing Greenpeace, Miner's,Dockers Print workers , on Picket lines as a human rights observer. Donated his fees to the NUM,

Stopped Shell sinking the Brent oil platform and prevented an ecological disaster

Represented Helen Steel and David Morris against Mcdonalds in a 10 year legal case

Represented those facing the death penalty in commonwealth countries as part of The Death Penalty Project legal team.

Worked in Northern Ireland as a Human rights adviser to the police on 2002 after the peace process.

Prosecuted Westminster Peodphile ring, prosecuted 23 grooming gangs and changed how police deal with historical sexual abuses cases and victims of domestic violence.

Victims’ rights to challenge decisions over criminal investigations, strengthened and duty to report suspected child abuse. Keir Starmer.

Represented the Council tax protestors when Thatcher was in power.

Raised public Scrutiny of the USA forces visiting UK to live in less secret society

March against the Iraq War,wrote to Blair saying it was illegal.

Took Government to court over the decision to deny welfare benefits to asylum seekers

Represented Greenpeace agsinst the widening of the M3 and destruction of Downs Land

Prosecuted MPs for cheating on their expenses

Represented Poll tax protestors in the 80s with free legal advice

1992 Took Tories to court as they didn't provide a just translation for Miner's.

Took on Murdock for phone hacking

Changed prosecution guidelines for those of historical child sexual abuse. Enabled Saviles victims to have a voice in enquiry against Savile

Wrote Victims Law and changed how, police ,CPS and courts deal with victims of sex crimes and domestic abuse.
So a lifetime of working for people. Yeah but they sang "Jeremy Corbyn" at Glasto...

Corbyn culters never seem able to acknowledge that he ignored losing a vote of confidence 172 to 40 in 2016 and by any established precedence should have resigned. The "politicking" by Labour MPs was a direct consequence of this which is now painted as those MPs working against the party yet Corbyn seemed to think he could carry on leading a party that had declared that they did not want him.
What a load of absolute nonsense.
Thank you for denying me of my experiences .. Go on .. now you can correct me because I'm going to disagree with you .. You've already said I'm talking "absolute nonsense" .. so you're just 1 step away from proving me 100% right because of course YOU have all the answers and nobody else can express any different opinion .. come on .. go at it.
Thank you for denying me of my experiences .. Go on .. now you can correct me because I'm going to disagree with you .. You've already said I'm talking "absolute nonsense" .. so you're just 1 step away from proving me 100% right ..
You came on here to play the victim and have a row.
If anyone can be bothered they`l play with you like a toy doll, until its bedtime 🎎