Recent content by Teesside Crab Killer

  1. Teesside Crab Killer

    Has YOUR life improved under Lord Ben Houchen?

    Academic studies have shown that regional airports that serve less than 3m people each year will struggle to be profitable. Newcastle served 4.8m last year. Teesside served 220,000. See the problem? Teesside Airport will lose millions every year ad infinitum. It's an inescapable fact...
  2. Teesside Crab Killer

    Ben Houchen protest at tonight's match

    I demand to know who these people are, insulting our dear leader, a man of our town, a man of out time. He has created/is creating/will create soon/give him 10 years* 20,000 high quality, high skill, highly paid manufacturing jobs and all that these people can do is sneer, talk Teesside down...
  3. Teesside Crab Killer

    Anyone think houchen will get back in?

    #BinBen's campaign is on fire Read the latest from North East Bylines 🦀Crab🦀Killer🦀Correspondent🦀
  4. Teesside Crab Killer

    Win for Ben Houchen as Top Gear returns to Middlesbrough

    The naysayers who are always talking Teesside down said it couldn't be done, but #BinBen has proved them wrong yet again. Top Gear is returning to Middlesbrough, and they've brought the old gang back together: #TeessideResistance #HouchenOut
  5. Teesside Crab Killer

    Teesside Monopoly

    Another link for anyone struggling to view the previous attachment
  6. Teesside Crab Killer

    Teesside Monopoly

    My mate was walking across the footbridge at South Bank station and fell through a massive gap in the floor caused by lack of maintenance. The good news is that there was a train passing underneath at the time. He landed on it and it took him all the way to Saltburn. The bad news is that he...
  7. Teesside Crab Killer

    Teesside Monopoly

    Teesside Monopoly has been updated to mark the Tees Valley Mayor election on 2 May. Is your favourite building included? There's only one way to find out #TeessideResistance #HouchenOut #BinBen
  8. Teesside Crab Killer

    Rod Liddle on Middlesbrough Question Time

    Please follow this link if you wish to complain to the BBC about last night's #bbcqt
  9. Teesside Crab Killer

    Teesside Airport Scoops Award

    And meanwhile, North East Bylines' Chief Crab Killer Correspondent is less than impressed with Ben Houchen's conduct
  10. Teesside Crab Killer

    Teesside Airport Scoops Award

    Teesside Crab Killer has crunched the numbers on the FedEx deal
  11. Teesside Crab Killer

    The Crown/ABC Cinema

    Hi🦀#BenHouchen🦀fans Fed up with all of the criminality and shenanigans involving the Crown pub, and a load of other buildings in the Boro? We at the #TeessideResistance are selling some great #HouchenOut merch. Proceeds in aid of the 🦞Whitby Lobster Hatchery🦞 Please support if you can...
  12. Teesside Crab Killer

    Teesworks Scandal…

    Ben Houchen lying his ass off about jobs again. Why knew?
  13. Teesside Crab Killer

    Teesworks Scandal…

    Great news for #BentBen with a slew of Teesworks jobs announcements.
  14. Teesside Crab Killer

    Ben's back! With more money!

    It's a dirty job following #BentBen, but somebody has got to to it. Incidentally the meeting took place here the Teesworks Skills Academy on Eston Road. It's another white elephant, and these meetings are one of the few times the building gets used. Youngsters will remember that it's on the...