Famous Celebrities That Are Considered Hot But Don't Do It For You?

Nicole Kidman is one I remember others going on about. Objectively I can see their point, but she's never done it for me.

I also think any woman can go from hot to not by covering themselves in tattoos or getting lip fillers, but again that's just my personal view.
So would I if that was my job to flaunt my body every second I was awake or in the gym 7 days a week. I just hate false/fake attention seeking people.
Well I accept that she is perhaps false and attention seeking, I wouldn't want to be married to her, but in terms of generic 'hotness' I think she ticks the boxes far more than most 50-somethings.

There are lots of people whose job is to 'flaunt' themselves who don't do it as well as she does. To me 'hot' doesn't mean I need a personal connection with them, that's slightly different.
This is interesting.

Two of the women who could turn me straight Kylie and Rachel Riley have both been mentioned. With an honourable mention for Cameron Diaz.

No accounting for taste.