From Salt to Vinyl


Staff member
A busy Friday - it is a wild day outside so head inside for one of our events.
10am - 11.30am - Tony Fox is talking about the International Brigade and Teesside's part in the Spanish Civil War in the splendid Council Chambers of Middlesbrough Town Hall.

1pm 2pm 3pm - Tours of Press On Vinyl at Tees Amp Park - quickly contact Karen on karen' to book a place on these free tours.

2pm for 2.30pm - 6000 years of Salt - Dr Steve Sherlock talks about salt extraction going right back to his incredible discoveries of the earliest salt manufacturing in Western Europe right here on Teesside. - at Middlesbrough Central Library.

3.30pm - Dorman Museum - epic tale of a family from the Windrush generation in Island Movements -

Finally at 7pm in St Joseph's RC Church on Marton Road - Ian Stubbs looks back through some of the household names of Teesside shopping through the ages Hintons, Pybus, Newboulds. History of Shopping in Middlesbrough

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