Geordies you actually like

Have lots of friends and family who are Geordies.
Most of them are absolutely sound, down to earth people.


When it comes to to their football team, their eyes glaze over, and they become somewhat delusional.
This 100%

Kevin Whately was born in Brampton near Carlisle, moved to North Tynemouth when he was 4, and went to school in Barnard Castle.
So not reeeaaallly a jawdee.
To be a true "Geordie" one must be born North of the Tyne i.e. Northumberland. Those born in County Durham, Consett, Langley Park, et al, call themselves "Geordie", but that's just a lifestyle choice.

There’s always one….
“one” who points out the facts?

Bobby and Bryan Robson are pityackers, not Geordies.

For me Mark Knopfler wins, but Charley from Byker Grove was probably the First Lady I ever loved. The second was her cousin, Charlie, played by Donna Air. Her introduction to the show really softened the blow of Charley leaving. “What hev ar dun ter desorve these??” Classic line, anyone else remember it? Poor Speedy.

Fair to say Byker Grove smashed it when it came to casting lasses.

I also like the cast of AWP, Gazza and Chris Waddle. Though that might be controversial. And Michael Carrick, at least until he bins us off for a better job.
Sitting drinking a coffee in my house in Whitley Bay right now. Definitely not part of Tynemouth.

Anyway, Tynemouth is just a suburb of North Shields, not that they'd ever admit it.
I meant "North Tyneside". Tynemouth is too full of tourists for some reason in the summer. Used to go and watch Whitley Warriors Ice Hockey in the day. I`m jealous. Miss being beside the sea 🌊