Kids with footballs - Our Rights


Well-known member
I live next door to 2 lads not even secondary school age , longstanding issues with footballs coming into garden. We've got a 6ft Wooden fence.

This pm after 1st time came over again, the eldest lads mate, asked for the ball I said I was busy, they would have to wait.

They then came and knocked on my door , I didnt answer, they shouted through the letter box then booted my front door.

Later today my partner was called names by the eldest lads mate. It's now escalating.

We're reasonable people but had enough. Never got on well with the parents either.

Luckily we've got a couple of locks to put on the walk through and drive through gates. So they can't get to the front door. Any other practical, legal , realistic suggestions?
I live next door to 2 lads not even secondary school age , longstanding issues with footballs coming into garden. We've got a 6ft Wooden fence.

This pm after 1st time came over again, the eldest lads mate, asked for the ball I said I was busy, they would have to wait.

They then came and knocked on my door , I didnt answer, they shouted through the letter box then booted my front door.

Later today my partner was called names by the eldest lads mate. It's now escalating.

We're reasonable people but had enough. Never got on well with the parents either.

Luckily we've got a couple of locks to put on the walk through and drive through gates. So they can't get to the front door. Any other practical, legal , realistic suggestions?
Kids next door to me have four or five balls so they always have something to play with. Often end up with three or four in my garden. Buy them some more and stop being a grouch. Had people like you in Pallister Park when I was a kid. Not surprised they don't like you. They are young kids FFS what do you want them to do hang about on street corners.
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I've done all that, I played football myself, when I was a kid, I was told to be polite to my elders and have some respect.Wind your necks in. What a judgemental board this has become :(

You want them to to be polite to you as you’re the ‘elder’ but at the same time you’re behaving like a massive bellend…. Good luck with that 😂
I live next door to 2 lads not even secondary school age , longstanding issues with footballs coming into garden. We've got a 6ft Wooden fence.

This pm after 1st time came over again, the eldest lads mate, asked for the ball I said I was busy, they would have to wait.

They then came and knocked on my door , I didnt answer, they shouted through the letter box then booted my front door.

Later today my partner was called names by the eldest lads mate. It's now escalating.

We're reasonable people but had enough. Never got on well with the parents either.

Luckily we've got a couple of locks to put on the walk through and drive through gates. So they can't get to the front door. Any other practical, legal , realistic suggestions?
Get a dog that pops balls, you can borrow mine for a day if you want.

In all seriousness if you made them wait a few mins and they kicked your door then I’d be p1ssed off too if you made them wait ages it’s your own fault.
When I was a kid living in a street there was one Grinchy owld get over the road that always shouted ‘if it comes in my back yard it gets a knife in it’ miserable owld ****.

Obviously I’m not saying that about the OP because that would be unkind, but most people probably would.
On a positive note, it appears that owld miserable gets have a longer life expectancy than the more reasonable members of society. The one tawt in our street who used to give my kids grief is still here whilst all his neighbours of similar vintage including the lovely old dear next to him have long since joined the choir eternal.
Dear me !!! My neighbour over the road has 3 of the kids balls in his house deflated that he didn't give back.
And he will wonder why he gets bother from them.
If people could be respectful but also mindful that people also live around them, and some small sacrifices need to be made (like giving a football back) especially when kids live in the area, I’m sure a lot of these problems wouldn’t happen.

If a few footballs over the fence are the main thing you have to twist about, be thankful you clearly live in a decent neighbourhood.
On a positive note, it appears that owld miserable gets have a longer life expectancy than the more reasonable members of society. The one tawt in our street who used to give my kids grief is still here whilst all his neighbours of similar vintage including the lovely old dear next to him have long since joined the choir eternal.
Only the good die young
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Quality of life and peace of mind are sometimes really hard to obtain.
If this business is really getting into your head , then think of moving house.