Major headache

My head is killing me, complete joke how loud and how much bass was turned on today(my seat was vibrating!). 2.5k away fans and no chance to stoke up a atmosphere. We are not at a pop concert or american football match. MFC please take note and turn it down or off next match.Its really turning me off going to the stadium.

Thank you.
I had same issue. Is there an email address we can write to just to ask them to turn it down a bit? Otherwise I will wait outside until 1 min before start
Absolutely ridiculous and utterly inexcusable. The level of bass was far too high and the volume over the top. I've worked in environments where ear defenders were mandatory and the noise levels were nowhere near what I experienced today. We have kids round us who wear noise cancelling headphones what the hell are the club thinking, get a fecking grip MFC.
Absolutely ridiculous and utterly inexcusable. The level of bass was far too high and the volume over the top. I've worked in environments where ear defenders were mandatory and the noise levels were nowhere near what I experienced today. We have kids round us who wear noise cancelling headphones what the hell are the club thinking, get a fecking grip MFC.
From what I’ve read, the kids could go to Turf Moor, a tranquil spot according to their PR team.
I fully agree regarding the ‘music’, the game doesn’t need it.
It was mentioned by the chap who does the announcing (forget his name) during the build up that they were still getting used to the new PA system and would be tweaking it over the next few games so bear with them.