O’Brian move back on.

He was one of the championship players of the year a few seasons ago and he has the ability to regain that form. It’s a yes from me.
He's a good box to box midfielder but he's not a ball playing midfielder which is what we need and allegedly what we are after. He's a good alternative and definitely a good player away from home when we change style / system but he's way to expensive for that.
I thought he performed well in those final games of the season.

It's understandable that he took a bit of time to get fully up to speed after returning from injury but I felt there were signs there that he was beginning to refind his Huddersfield form.

I'd personally hold back for now because the longer this goes on for the more chance there will be of Forest and O'Brien becoming desperate. Hopefully then they'll be willing to sell him for a cut-back price and O'Brien will accept taking a big wage cut.
If Ipswich want him they will get him. I would have him back tomorrow. Would be brilliant alongside Hackney
The problem with signing O'Brien will always be the fee and wages.

Is he good enough? Yes.
Can we find a player of equal quality for a lower fee and less wages?... I think so.
I would assume the coaching staff have a very good idea of obrien worth given he was here last year. They will know how bad his injury was and whether he played towards the end of the season carrying an injury.

They will probably have a good idea of how he would integrate with Hackney.

If we go ahead with a contract it shouldn't be too difficult a decision to make.

Personally I think he is easily good enough and the only dickering would be around price and wages.
He's decent enough for a top championship team but as said probably not worth the fee and wages as he's coming from a prem club
I thought he was looking better and better towards the end of the season.

It’s a yes from me, he was excellent for Huddersfield before joining Forest.
I don't think he can play in a midfield 2 alongside Hackney unless we're going to coach Hackney to play a more defensive role and that doesn't seem to be Hackney's strength. That said, I think O'Brien was only back to 90% of his best by the end of the season and he seems to be a versatile enough player that he could fill in alongside Hackney from time to time if necessary.

I doubt the deal is really on but I can imagine we're slow rolling our interest just in case Forest can't offload him early in the summer and they start offering us sweetners to take him.
Tend to agree with some on here: we could spend the money more wisely elsewhere, unless we get him for a snip on "realistic" wages.
I posted this question at the time it was announced he wouldn’t be signing permanently; what is he good at? Apart from running.
and even then he doesn't cover the correct spaces, see the goal against Sunderland at home, if he runs in a straight line we don't concede, gets distracted by the ball like an enthusiastic spaniel!

For a player who's biggest attribute was his hard running style and ability to cover a lot of ground, he was caught out of position a lot.

The need to move to wing backs and our shoring up/improvement was largely down to our midfield being so poor, offering so little protection to the defence that we threw away points in games we should have won. Plymouth/stoke/Bristol City spring to mind
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He was one of the championship players of the year a few seasons ago and he has the ability to regain that form. It’s a yes from me.
playing in a vastly different role, for a team playing a very different style of football. You can't just sign a centre mid, and expect him to achieve the same levels using a completely different skill set.

See Aiden flint/George Saville/Akpom etc etc.