

Staff member
October saw the launch of parkwalk at parkrun!
Basically anyone could turn up at one of the hundreds of parkruns at 9am on a Saturday morning and walk the course in their own time. ie not timed, no pressure, just pleasure and making a healthy start to the weekend.
It was a big success.
Parkrun stated, "Over the last five weekends we’ve welcomed an incredible 10,000 brand new walkers to parkrun, as well as inspiring 8,000 existing parkrunners to join in the parkwalk fun. That means throughout October there have been a staggering 100,000 walks completed at parkrun."
That is superb for peoples health and fitness.
Although #parkwalk was held across one month, we hope that the impact will be far more long-lasting – shining a light on parkrun as a great option for people to be active together and be part of a positive and supportive community whenever and however suits them. The launch was through October or walktober but parkwalk is here to stay.

Many parkruns have parkwalker volunteers and this volunteer role is here to stay! So, go to the parkrun site and find your local parkrun - if you want to run, jog or walk then you can sign in on the site and print off a barcode and bring it along if you wish to be part of the event.
Local to Middlesbrough - Albert Park, Stewart Park.
On Teesside - Flatts Lane Country Park; Redcar Locke Park; Marshall Drive, Brotton.
Across the Tees - Hartlepool - Seaton Carew seafront; Hardwick Park, Sedgefield; Darlington, South Park.