Pick Litter To Get Fitter in New Clean Up Drive


Staff member
Middlesbrough residents are encouraged to ‘pick litter and get fitter’ as part of a new town-wide litter picking initiative.
Boro Fit Pickers, run by Middlesbrough Council’s Environment team, has launched this week, and people are being encouraged to sign up.

The new initiative encourages people to reap a whole host of health benefits, keeping their heart and the environment healthy by litter picking in their local area.

Anyone wishing to sign up receives their very own free litter picking pack, which includes a litter picker, a high-vis vest and rubbish bags.

Lola, 10, and six-year-old Isla-Rae are already a part of Boro Fit Pickers. They were excited to get involved in cleaning up their local area of Beechwood.

Isla-Rae said: “We were sat in our nana’s house and we saw the magazine from the council.

“We asked our mum if we could join in and pick litter so she asked the council for the equipment. It came quickly and ever since we’ve been really enjoying it.

Lola said: “When I see litter in my community I feel a bit disappointed, because there’s bins all around the area. Can people not be bothered to put the rubbish in the bin?”

“I like being part of Boro Fit Pickers because it’s getting your steps in for the day and helping you walk around a bit more, helping your heart and things.”

Boro Fit Pickers builds on the Keep Boro Tidy campaign, which empowers Middlesbrough residents, businesses and community groups to help tidy up their communities in ways which include picking up litter, sprucing up grass verges and painting park railings.

Councillor Barrie Cooper, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive Member for Environment, said: “Litter is a problem in pretty much every part of the country, and we’re determined to do what we can to make it a thing of the past in Middlesbrough.

“Boro Fit Pickers is a wonderful way for residents to get out and enjoy the sunshine while helping and improving their local community.

“If you’d love to improve your health, meet some new friends and become an asset to your local community at the same time, get in touch with our Environment team and become a Boro Fit Picker.”

Boro Fit Pickers combines aerobic exercise with litter picking, leading to many health benefits such as:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increased joint mobility
  • Maintenance of a healthy heart
  • Elevated mood

Anyone wanting to get involved in the Boro Fit Pickers scheme can email cleanup@middlesbrough.gov.uk and a free litter picking pack will be dropped off to their house.

For more information visit Middlesbrough Council’s Boro Fit Pickers webpage here: Boro Fit Pickers | Middlesbrough Council

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Don't be a lefty loony Archie, doing the job of council staff and picking up after lazy tw*ts can be fun and rewarding, look out for their next scheme "warden the streets to improve attraction between the sheets" and "empty the bins to get thins"
Hopefully kids grow up to value and care for their town and environment and put their litter in the bins. There are litter picking groups set up by councillors from all sides of the spectrum on Teesside and many more have sprung independently from the community. The idea of the red bin bags is to inspire others to join in. Certainly Middlesbrough Community Champions and other groups (eg Linthorpe from Labour councillor Philippa Storey) have helped to make litter picking fun and a family activity. That is very important to sustain it. The litter picking is all coordinated with the council refuse and street cleaning teams and the volunteer litter pickers really help them to keep the streets clean.