Tonight's Championship Games


Well-known member
All key games for many reasons.
We are effected by the Bristol and Cardiff games, but both play top clubs.

Bristol are at home to Southampton and on the same points as us.
A draw obviously means they go above us, but Southampton are on an amazing run.
Cardiff, a point behind, are away to 5th place West Brom.
Watford or Preston have the chance to move away from us further up the table.


The Table before tonight's KO's:

All games have a 'City' versus a non 'City', nice little quirk.

Would fancy WBA to beat Cardiff as they're on a minging run. Hull seem hit and miss, but Rotherham are absolutely honking so big chance of an away win. Norwich/Watford draw.

Leicester/Sheff Wed could see an absolute cricket score!
Norwich is interesting because the fans hate their manager. Honestly at Christmas they were hoping he would leave and go back to Huddersfield. Surely that environment would eventually lead to them dropping off? I have noticed Sunderland fans suddenly like Beale 😂

Michael Calms the Storm

The disciples went and woke Him, saying, “Michael, save us! We are perishing!”

“You of little faith,” Michael replied, “why are you so afraid?”

Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it was perfectly calm.

The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the sea obey Him!”…
[Matthew 8:26]
Dont win tomorrow and get nothing from leicester its looking like we will be well adrift by then. Time to accept were a midtable team.