What coffee do you have?

Strong black with sugar. Two cups in the morning, any later and I'll be awake all night. Long gone are the days I came back from the pub and drank coffee before bed. How did I do that?
Sitting my local coffee shop in Khon Buri ( we go there every 3 days to pick up the waste coffee grounds to make compost) and I have a medium white cappachino no sugar with the beans from Chang Mai At home its a simple Nescafe red cup , white with UHT milk, no sugar ... about 6 of these a day
I used to love coffee, I could drink it all day every day. Lately though, I’m finding it tastes increasingly bitter. Used to love a flat white but now prefer cappuccino, just a bit milder. Drink a lot of instant coffee at work, it’s awful but tea tastes odd there.
It’s not the coffee, it’s the company you have whilst drinking it that’s important.

At home, Guatemalan ground coffee from Lidl made in a cafetière, a splash of milk, no sugar.
Easily for me.
Costa is awful. Milk too sweet, coffee too weak.
POint of order, costa coffee is the strongest of the high street chains. has more caffeine in then the rest. If I remember correctly nearly twice as much as Caffe Nero.

POint of order, costa coffee is the strongest of the high street chains. has more caffeine in then the rest. If I remember correctly nearly twice as much as Caffe Nero.

I haven't set foot in a Costa for at least 12 years so I may be out of date.