Which do you prefer? Cats or Dogs?

Neither really both too demanding. Cats though are sly things. My son always says looking in the eyes of a cat is like looking in to hell. Strangely enough years after he first said that Keanu Reeves did exactly that in the film Constantine so maybe my son was correct.
My mates daughter bought a kitten a few months ago. The xmas tree went up, with 2 minutes it was down again.

It's taken over the dogs bed.
Our Dog Bob a Maltese Terrier, he doesnt moult and only weighs 6lb. Plays all day its like having a little Clown. Loving and fantastic with kids.
My wife has a phobia with cats so we alway only had dogs.
As long as they are in their natural environment and not cooped up under ownership of humans to treat them as they see fit - I think they are both beautiful.😱
I can't stand dogs.

Woof woof. Woof woof woof woof woof.


Their s*** is the most noxious smell known to mankind and the job of scraping it off your boots or bike tyres or bare skin or kids clothes (I have had to do all of those) is both gruesome and disgusting.

They smell.

Dogs come up to you and hassle you. They put their nose in your balls. F*** off, please.

And their owners don't understand why you don't want to make a fuss of them. They can f*** off too.

Cheers everybody I'm sure that's made me popular 😘👍
Aparently pigs make great pets, very intelligent, can be toilet trained and don't bark at the postman.

Cost a fortune at the vets though as they can’t have injections, tablets or sprays.

Only thing they can have to treat their ailments is oinkment......

I’ll get me coat.