Zac Hemming

I am hoping its Brynn who gets the shout over Hemming as i think he is the better prospect. Could be wrong of course.
Glover i would let go. Hes not great. Dieng not really bothered if he goes. Would like him to stay but if someone comes in with a decent bid and he wants to go fair enough. He is decent but not as good as some on here are making out.
Yeah, I'd 100% have Seny Dieng over a then 37 year old Shay Given in a Michael Carrick team.

If Dieng was playing in a Karanka team, he'd have kept plenty of clean sheets too.
Think some people are blinded by the name when it comes to Given.

He was pretty good, didn't really put a foot wrong. But he was playing in a defensive team and didn't have much to do. The way some go on, you'd think he was pulling off world class saves every week.

Just a steady safe pair of hands really. Which is what you want. But if he'd been called Carl Ikeme (who was just as good for us IMO) I doubt people would be waxing lyrical about him.
I haven't seen Hemming play, except highlights of goals he has let in. Anyone seen him play a full game?
Dieng is decent but he’s not amazing and I wouldn’t be too bothered if he goes and we make a decent profit - especially if it allows us to keep Hackney or bring in a better player in midfield.

He’s also the one with the most hype around him so probably the one we might already have offers for. Can’t see us getting much for Glover yet but his value might go up if he gets game time (and it might not)
He's better than fans favourite steffen by a long shot!
Think some people are blinded by the name when it comes to Given.

He was pretty good, didn't really put a foot wrong. But he was playing in a defensive team and didn't have much to do. The way some go on, you'd think he was pulling off world class saves every week.

Just a steady safe pair of hands really. Which is what you want. But if he'd been called Carl Ikeme (who was just as good for us IMO) I doubt people would be waxing lyrical about him.
bull****, he may not have pulled off great saves every week but he pulled off ones that most keepers can't on a regular basis
Don't normally comment on GK's but Dieng is quality, need to keep hold of him, only here a year and I think he was outstanding. Hemming in as number 2, maybe Glover will find a suitable club in the championship.
Think some people are blinded by the name when it comes to Given.

He was pretty good, didn't really put a foot wrong. But he was playing in a defensive team and didn't have much to do. The way some go on, you'd think he was pulling off world class saves every week.

I agree to some extent.

SG played 16 times, conceded 10 goals and kept 9 clean sheets. Any keeper would be proud of that.

At the same time, in those 16 games, Boro only scored 15 goals themselves. This season, only Rotherham had a worse goal/game record than that.

Now no one would blame a keeper for the team not scoring (actually, I think some would blame Glover).

However, if a team is scoring so few and conceding so few, it must be because they're sitting deep and Karankering the hell out of the opposition
Certainly is better.

Just as good at making saves, better on the ball.

Randolph had the benefit of playing in an ultra defensive side too.

Not a criticism of Randolph, I loved him, but I think Dieng is better.
Randolphs distribution was poor and that was when teams didn't play out from the back.

Is Hemming ahead of Brynn? I know he's a year older but levels of loans are similar really despite him qualifying for Europe.
Randolphs distribution was poor and that was when teams didn't play out from the back.

Is Hemming ahead of Brynn? I know he's a year older but levels of loans are similar really despite him qualifying for Europe.

I think it could possibly be an indication that he's not, if anything.

The player that's 2nd choice is going to play much less than the player out on loan and that loan would be better for development.
Glover will be off. On the fringes of the Aussie squad. No way he wants to sit on bench for another season. We given him a route back into European football, and will make a small profit of him. Everyone's happy.
Glover done okay for us. He wasn’t as bad as bad as some made out. That said, he made some very costly mistakes in his latter appearances for us.

He’s a 6-7/10 which is okay for the occasional stand in but he’s not good enough for me. I would hope one the young keepers are at least as good, if not better than him.

If we can sell him for a profit then it’ll be great business.

Dieng is one of the best keepers we’ve had in many years IMO. I would be hugely disappointed if we lost him. The negativity around him I really don’t get but I sit next to somebody who never rated Schwarzer!

There are some people who blame most goals on the keeper, like they should never let in a goal. I assume it’s mainly that!
“St Mirren have signed Brentford goalkeeper Ellery Balcombe on loan for the season.”
I don't think there is a fixed idea about who will be 1st 2nd 3rd etc, other than Glover being sold and Jones being number 3, if he signs a new deal, as the latter two options are driven by finance.

Sol, Hemming and to some extent Dieng will come back to fight for the number 1 spot, then once Carrick has that decided, the offers on the table for anyone of the three will dictate who stays as number one, who is number two and who goes on loan or is sold permanently.