11.30am - in Hill Street Centre (opp Primark) - Martin Peagam presents his controversial talk proposing that suffragettes were terrorists.
1pm Middlesbrough Town Hall - here the stories behind the Teesside International Brigades memorial - those that went to war in Spain to fight the fascists.
2pm - Captain Cook Birthplace Museum, Marton - all the way from Fremantle, Australia, Cook expert and former guide on the HM Bark Endeavour replica talks about James Cook, the two Endeavours and some of those that served on board. £2 pay on the door.
6pm - Taste of Africa Showcase at Middlesbrough Town Hall - featuring the mighty Zulu Nation - FREE
1pm Middlesbrough Town Hall - here the stories behind the Teesside International Brigades memorial - those that went to war in Spain to fight the fascists.
2pm - Captain Cook Birthplace Museum, Marton - all the way from Fremantle, Australia, Cook expert and former guide on the HM Bark Endeavour replica talks about James Cook, the two Endeavours and some of those that served on board. £2 pay on the door.
6pm - Taste of Africa Showcase at Middlesbrough Town Hall - featuring the mighty Zulu Nation - FREE