Air Fryers

Really handy for me when working away. Just bring a little compact 1 person air fryer with me and can have bacon and sausage sarnies and allsorts. I did try doing mussels in it once and it was a disaster. Nearly spewed up
The only cooking device known to make a slice of ham fly. In mine , a thin cut slice of ham in on its own just to warm through on a low temp , well the downflow turbo air will come up again in the middle and provide a sort of equilibrium of force an air cushion to allow the ham to basically do an impression of that indoor skydiving they do in the tubes. I can hear it , flapping about having the time of its life , and when I end the fun it's usually folded in on itself against the side - again just like one of those indoor skydivers with collapsed vertebra when you surprisingly turn the fan off 🤷‍♂️

Warm ham slice?

Sounds nice. You must give me the recipe. 😬