Best ever sci fi space ship?

Whats cooler than a Spaceship? When it's also a castle 😜 From a film so bad it's almost good.

New movie this year....

That looks like it could be a real return to form for the "franchise". Also features my all time favourite SciFi prop,
"I'd like to introduce you to a close personal friend of mine. M-41A pulse-rifle. 10 millimeter, with over and under 30 millimeter...pump-action grenade launcher".
Though it looks as though they have updated the design slightly?
I think the housing looks full length compared to the originals from Aliens. According to the link above there aren't many originals left so if they needed a few for the new movie I guess it makes sense to have a slightly different model so that nerds (probably like me) won't diss the film because the trigger mounting is the wrong colour or whatever.

1711063248450.pngDiscovery One, from 2001: A Space Oddysey, although the one in the book had huge wings. Kubrick went without for the film