Business email addtess


Well-known member
Any tips on the best way to set up. Previously I did this through google and bought the company domain through fast hosts. It cost next to nothing.

It now seems that google will charge ten Linda a month for the email address alone.

Any ideas o n the cheapest way to do this?
I'm a web developer - If you only need the email address, buy some cheap hosting (you might be able to get some through fast hosts), point the nameservers to it (skip this step if you're hosting with fast hosts). It'll probably cost you £20 / year ish. are good and cheap email and domain hosts. They will do a package and its dead simple to setup.

I used them when i had business hosting after recommendation from an IT geek at work
I'm a web developer - If you only need the email address, buy some cheap hosting (you might be able to get some through fast hosts), point the nameservers to it (skip this step if you're hosting with fast hosts). It'll probably cost you £20 / year ish.
Ash88, I do woodturning as a hobby and have numerous items that I would like to sell, how would I go about setting up a website with pictures of the items I have made?
Ash88, I do woodturning as a hobby and have numerous items that I would like to sell, how would I go about setting up a website with pictures of the items I have made?

I'd suggest buying a domain and a hosting which includes "wordpress" (it'll probably cost £20-30/year for both) - wordpress is a free content management system that has a one click install so it's easy to figure out - install wordpress, go to the themes section and pick a free theme that suits what you want (a gallery theme would probably be best for you), and then go to pages and it'll give you placeholders to upload pics to.