Christmas Dinner Looking Expensive With Turkey Shortage

Last year there was 1 case in October, this year there was 80. Massively different in scale to any other year.

It is likely that most ‘fresh’ turkeys this year will have been frozen then defrosted for sale.
Suppliers have already told government and supermarkets the scale of the problem.
It is likely that most ‘fresh’ turkeys this year will have been frozen then defrosted for sale.
Suppliers have already told government and supermarkets the scale of the problem.
I think it is illegal to sell defrosted turkeys as fresh. They might be 'deep-chilled', so produced a month or so earlier, but never frozen.

Yes, suppliers would be well aware of the problem, hence the report. Hopefully it eases up enough to get adequate supplies, but to say it's like this every year is wrong.
Hare today gone tomorrow.

Usually no problem getting a frozen bird, I'll be very surprised if I can't get one. Nice bit of beef would compensate nicely though.
Left field, but probably the most overrated thing about Christmas for me
I used to take them or leave them but i love them now, but need cooking until bacon is crispy and brushing with honey. Think the knee I had before were just crap ones and not cooked long enough so was just crap sausage with crap fatty bacon. Probably one of my fave things about it now.