Dopesick on BBC2 - anyone watch it?

It's great, it was on Disney+ a year or so ago.

There's another drama about Purdue, where Matthew Broderick plays Richard Sackler, which is also worth a watch too (Called Painkiller IIRC).
Great series, terribly sad and infuriating in equal measures. Hell of a performance by Keaton.
Excellent series.

There is a Netflix series called Painkiller based on the same story, which is decent also, but for me Dopestick is better.
Dopestick - I watched the first two episodes - very good.

Shows how working class people in left behind areas of the USA were targeted by Big Pharma. Hundreds of thousands have been killed by opioid/opiate drugs and millions have had their lives ruined, because they are unable to work due to the side effects of the drugs eg. falling asleep at work. So sad seeing honest working class people trust their doctor 100% and the doctor is poisoning them, who in some cases in being tricked by big pharma and the FDA. These types of drugs should not be used for chronic pain but were 20 years ago and its still happening.

I remember watching business TV programmes from the USA and they kept saying millions are vanishing from the employment registers and no one seemed to know the full reasons for a number of years.