DWP/Tory dawn raids on ‘benefit fraud’

The DWP can lean on Citizens Advice to pressurise them to reduce support to applicants. Some Citizens Advice financial support comes from Central Governement so they can't afford to completely ignore the wishes of Central Government departments.

CA have been very useful to some disability applicants, but that support is not what it was. Its all very sad.

Welfare applicants below retirement age are in general easy targets to attack by the DWP, because many are unable to express themselves well, lack the understanding and knowledge to access financial help, lack confidence, don't have many people to protect them or stand up for them, they don't in general vote neither. Many sections of the media love to label them work shy - scrougers, even though the majority are working and/or care for others.
im more concerned with the amount of fraud that goes on in the tory party tbh,shame they didnt put much more effort into that!!!
They only do this because it works.

A significant proportion of the blame sits on the shoulders of the millions of people who lap this bullshut up, are happy to be presented with scapegoats that they can blame for their own lives being full of failure and disappointment, and who will dash off the the polls to vote Tory; with any luck they'll forget their photo ID.
a tory voter must be the most gullable person on this earth