Farage under investigation

He's on twitter doing a Trump. "If they do this to me, it could be you next. Help me fight them..." with a plea for money.

Utterly devoid of shame.
Wasn't this "man of the people" also a well paid banker* prior to his spell as a shítstirring rabble rouser?

*Not a typo, for once.

Yes. He’s very much a big money person. He’s every inch the same as the establishment people he pretends that he’s railing against.
A complete grifter.

Hopefully the time is here where these con artists are going to face the consequences of their deceitful, manipulative populist post-truth plays.
What odds for Trump, Johnson, Farage and Bannon to all end up doing some porridge? 🤞
First they came for Andrew Tate
and I did not speak out
because I am not a misogynistic tw@t.

Then they came for Boris Johnson
and I did not speak out
because I am not a lying Tory b'stard.

Then they came for Tommy Robinson
and I did not speak out
because I am not a racist thug.

Then they came for Nigel Farage
and I did not speak out
because, well .... I was too busy laughing.

Fit Harry's words in where you want to (y)

Half Man Half Biscuit - Turn a Blind Eye

Wonder if he’s declared all this money being given to him, could it be legal jeopardy for tax evasion as well as jeopardy for political influence payments?
Could be source of funds. Anyone receiving payments that are insufficiently transparent could fail a bank's sniff test. They don't need to prove anything - just 'No thanks'. That's Farage's point really - he's got no comeback.