Favourite butter?

Never tried that! Does it taste 'goaty'?

It just tastes more "buttery" to me. But the key thing is that it's healthier than cow milk products.
Smaller fat molecules ... goat milk is closer to human milk, which is why babies used to be put on Nanny goats to suckle. Also why some people who can't tolerate cow's milk products are fine with goat's milk.
Goat's milk also contains medium chain triglycerides, which have some health benefits over long chain triglycerides found in cow's milk.... they are directly absorbed and used ... converted into ketones I believe.

I eat Goat's milk yoghurt too, but that deffo does have a stronger, goaty taste. But I like it, so no problem there. Tried going with goat milk for tea and coffee, but can't get on with that.
Favourite Kens/Stalkers and butters?
I think I can actually hear them frothing at the mouth.😂
They are indeed. Seems Sherlock is the new object of their obsessive stalking.

Back to OP:
Defo one for a salted butter. They just have a better tang.

And, as my stomach/cholesterol levels can attest, I LOVE a bit of butter. When making toast, the butter to bread ratio should be 50:50