Fox hunting


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Just watched a very unpleasant segment on the ITV news where a fox was quite literally dug from the earth before being offered to a baying pack of hounds. The clip showed another fox bolting from the earth and some hounds pursuing it.

Adult human beings doing this for fun I’m not using the word “sport” is simply sickening.

This was apparently a “legitimate” hunt dedicated to lawful trail hunting.

The practice of allowing any form of hunting a trail with dogs needs to be banned now they have too many “accidental” incidents with live foxes.
Obscene, wasn’t it. Lowlife scum. Would be great to create a new sport called fox hunter hunting, where a pack of skint hooligans are dropped at the end of a blind alley where a trapped toff with £50 notes bulging out of his jodhpurs is waiting. The hooligans are trained to know that the most physical damage they can inflict translates into the amount of cash they receive.

Sickening isn’t it. Ive been involved in hunts when I was younger. In hindsight and looking back on it I wish I hadn’t. They certainly shouldn’t be dug and should be left alone when going to ground.
I was also into coursing which I still don’t mind for rabbits. There’s an abundance of them and a correctly trained dog can dispatch almost instantly. Hare coursing was also quite popular but hares are now in limited numbers. There was a massive event called the Waterloo cup near liverpool which attracted thousands of people. It ended when the hunting ban came in.
Obscene, wasn’t it. Lowlife scum. Would be great to create a new sport called fox hunter hunting, where a pack of skint hooligans are dropped at the end of a blind alley where a trapped toff with £50 notes bulging out of his jodhpurs is waiting. The hooligans are trained to know that the most physical damage they can inflict translates into the amount of cash they receive.

Then enjoy Julian Temples film Glastalica played before Metallica’s gig at Glastonbury in 2017.

It's disgusting. If they use the argument of they're vermin, or harmful to habitat, environment etc and need the numbers down like they do often with badgers then the authorities should go about this in the correct, humane way. What they do is absolutely disgusting, entitled toffs, i love watching the YT videos of people outing them, protesting etc love it.
It's disgusting. If they use the argument of they're vermin, or harmful to habitat, environment etc and need the numbers down like they do often with badgers then the authorities should go about this in the correct, humane way. What they do is absolutely disgusting, entitled toffs, i love watching the YT videos of people outing them, protesting etc love it.

What is the correct, humane way?
What is the correct, humane way?
If, as a farmer, you have a "problem" fox you get someone to come round and shoot it. Relatively quick I guess and certainly more "humane" than it being torn to pieces while still alive by a pack of dogs. You do not ring for a mob of toffs in fancy dress.