Gary O’Neil

Surely Gibson wouldn't appoint GON after what went on at the club when he was a player. He was touted as being an extra special player and at best his performances were short of average, but it was his attitude that really stank. Gibson's mailbox would be bursting with discontented fans if he was appointed. Let's hope the story is just someone making mischief.

I suppose when we’ve had plenty of alcohol and substance abusers at the club as players oniels crime isn’t quite so bad and has probably been repeated many times . Boasting about it on tv however certainly crosses him off your list
All day I’ve been seeing folk talking about O Neil and I honestly thought they were on about Michael O’Neil, ex Stoke and NI.
I did not ever think for one minute that it was this goon!
I’d actually be really angry and completely disillusioned with the club if we gave it to him.
This would go down well

All day I’ve been seeing folk talking about O Neil and I honestly thought they were on about Michael O’Neil, ex Stoke and NI.
I did not ever think for one minute that it was this goon!
I’d actually be really angry and completely disillusioned with the club if we gave it to him.
He did learn the language, just wasn’t very confident. He used to chat to people all the time in Wetherby.
Yep, he didn’t like speaking to the press in case they twisted what he was saying. He can speak English, probably even has a Yorkshire twang now.