Gove & his soon-to-be ex-missus...

I don’t get the connection Randy.

What has that got to do with a creepy mp allegedly playing away from home and getting divorced?

A distraction story.

"Here don't print this story about a minister, print this one about the legal restrictions coming to an end, we can ride the wave of England's success in Rome together, oh and here's a couple of thousand quid to keep quiet."
A distraction story.

"Here don't print this story about a minister, print this one about the legal restrictions coming to an end, we can ride the wave of England's success in Rome together, oh and here's a couple of thousand quid to keep quiet."
But, that has always gone on since the birth of the printed press. We all know it’s easy to bury news.

My point was I still thought somebody would reveal more details of what’s happened with the horrible man.
They are "finalising" their divorce, to me means gagging order...

And an order to stop them talking about each other.
Wrong. Look at the stories and tv coverage regarding the July 19th loosening of restrictions.

Way too much of a coincidence.
I think the 19th is BJ's stubbornness not to veer from the date he has set. It's some man (not) who would put lives before pride.