I love bilberries me !

Mam used to always take us bilberry and bramble picking when we were kids....hot pie and ice cream is one of the best things to eat. She used to make bramble jam too. When I dog walk now I always collect brambles and take them to hers to knock a pie up!!
Yes, my mother would give us a big container and tell us to not come home til it was filled with bilberries which took an age with them being so small. So a walk from Park End up to Eston Hills and back with a few hours scrabbling about in the bushes. Good job we had no cars, TV or internet, so were used to being out all day - and we were under ten years old. A different time.
Nan used to give us a colander an send us off to the rally bank, where loads of rasberries and blackberries grew (y)
Used to eat as many as we picked.
Are there many more satisfying things than a hot bilberry pie and ice cream ?

Especially when you’ve slaved for a hour in the moors picking them . One of my favourites fruits and right on our doorstep if you have the patience and a love of bright purple hands !
but i always think of dead flies