Jeremy C.Hunt - Millionaire Chancellor doing his bit for the country


Well-known member

As if any more evidence were needed that these Tories are happy to line their own pockets while asking people to make sacrifices.
Personally, I think wealthy people should be means tested to prevent money getting in to politics. It will never ever happen but it would be nice.
They did some great stuff and publicity stunts around Brexit but unfortunately, like a lot these things, they are singing to the choir: those who should watch it never do 😣
That YouTube video you posted is theirs so they do get their message out beyond their “choir”. Never underestimate viral reach.

As if any more evidence were needed that these Tories are happy to line their own pockets while asking people to make sacrifices.
Personally, I think wealthy people should be means tested to prevent money getting in to politics. It will never ever happen but it would be nice.

We used to have empires run by emperors, then we had kingdoms run by kings.
Now we have countries…