Just Stop Oil at Wimbledon

This is the one I’m looking forward to
I really hope they do some damage to the Grand Prix
You do realise when they inevitably get killed doing this, the driver also dies and possibly the volunteers who have to drag them off the circuit.

Bizarre thing to look forward to….
We have to cut back on our carbon emissions in the UK.

It is happening - we have closed our coal fired power stations, moving over to electric vehicles, closed a lot of our heavy industry down, reduced the energy we use in our buildings/houses, use more fuel efficient transport.

I guess the argument is the speed of change. JSO obviously think what is happening on the UK is much too slow.

I would agree with a law saying all new houses need some form of solar power and a heat pump built in from scratch.

Grants should be more generous for insulation and for installation of public charging points for electric vehicles.

Vandalism acts I don't think help Just Stop Oil's cause - did trying to burn down Lloyd George's house help the suffragettes? I do doubt it, but war work in WW1 did persuade the majority of the UK population to change their views on rights to vote.

Myself I would not completely stop on all new fossil fuel developments as some fossil fuel will be required still in say 15 years time, but the scale of development has to be kept small.
I admire these people who have the balls to do such things and make a stand for such a cause, knowing that they're going to get it from the audience and the media. They also seem to be getting on a bit and seem quite ordinary, so difficult to stereotype as middle class layabouts which the tabloids love to do. Interesting that they used a jigsaw, a guess this represents the broken system. A pain to clear up as well.

What do you think of them?
How do these protesters heat their homes in winter. Just asking like
Natural Gas probably - most people can't afford £15k for heat pump that may need supplemented heat is very cold weather.

I do think we can change, but its a 20 year timeframe. Say on houses/flats - if we build 250k new properties a year over 20 years thats 5m homes that should be speced for new energy efficient technology. In 20 years there probably be few ICE vehicles.

For JSO I get the impression 20 years is too long.
How do these protesters heat their homes in winter. Just asking like
Thats why they are making the point!
Like "Insulate Britain" who were ridiculed till the fuel price "crisis" - and remarkably their argument became 100% relevant and still is.
My home isnt insulated and I buy power from Octopus, but I still support clean, renewable, sustainable energy and a national fund to insulate our wasteful energy inefficient homes in UK PLC.

What does 100 licences mean in terms of volume of oil? e.g. what % of current production.

In 15 years time we will still need oil to power hybrid vehicles, ships, planes, for plastics, paints, artificial fibres. Most properties will still have natural gas appliances. If we have no oil or natural gas then we will be in a greater mess than 0.5 degree higher temperatures as we have to ration power. Renewables can subsitute oil and natural to some degree but not totally in 15 years time. Little sign of large scale storage facilties for renewable energy as yet too concerns me. Hinkley Nuclear is taking longer than planned to construct and get on stream. Late 2027 is now the projected start date - 11 years to construct and turn on.
In 15 years time we will still need oil to power hybrid vehicles, ships, planes, for plastics, paints, artificial fibres. Most properties will still have natural gas appliances.
Best not bother trying then?

Whether or not you "believe" in Climate Change, fossil fuels are a finite resource. Roofie's example of "Insulate Britain" is an excellent example of what could be done to reduce our consumption and reliance on fossil fuels rather than search for ever harder (and more expensive to exploit) reserves.