Look North.

'Look North' is an instruction to the people of Teesside to let them know where their news articles are coming from
I cannot grumble about them. They did a major feature on Fly Me To The Moon's 35th birthday last month. And I am certain that over the years the fanzine has been represented far more than Newcastle and Sunderland fanzines, probably put together.
I also know that Jeff Brown and some of the reporters are big fans of Fly Me To The Moon - so considering the fanzine is a platform for fans to write and air their views that is pretty pleasing I think. (I barely write anything myself these days to ensure there is as much space as possible for other Boro fans.
Hastily rewriting tonights script as we speak!

Watching tonight's Look Jawdee, it's obvious they have had to fill in to replace their planned half hour spesh on the Skunks reaching a semi-final.

Can't have been any news on the Falcon's, Eagles, Diamonds or what ever they call their tiddly-winks team. They had to resort to using more footage about the story of the Stoma Swimmer from last nights show.

They started their highlight's concentrating on the Chelsea fan entering the field of play to celebrate with Dubravka. As if it had a bearing on the result.
Post of the year.

Maybe we should all pop up to Sid James and cellotape flowers to a nearby lamppost in solemn tribute and respect for the death of (yet another) dream.

No need to go all the way to Exeter, think would have much better affect at the Sports Direct Arena