Looks like the SPL is done

I'm not one who minds the standard of the football, and I do think the likes of Rangers, Celtic, Hearts and Hibs would quickly adapt to playing in our leagues when the finances reached parity, but the uncompetitiveness of the Scottish league is depressing.


That's all time, and the majority of those titles were before money took over the game too.

You've got to go back to the 1980s, Aberdeen and Alex Ferguson for somebody else to have won it, nobody else has even come close since then.
Aberdeen, Dundee United, Hearts and Hibs are the best provincal clubs in scotland

In the 80's Aberdeen and Dundee Utd were seriously good european sides, think aberdeen won 2 european trophies and Utd appeared in a semi final
and a final
They should disband it and filter into our leagues I think.
I know it's been talked about plenty of times before - but realistically only Celtic and Rangers could go into the PL and even then they'd struggle to finish anything other than midtable, Scottish football really is very poor.

Celtic, Rangers and possibly Hearts would do okay in the Championship, Celtic should be a top half Championship team easily. The rest of the Scottish PL would struggle to stay in League 1.