Mick takes it to the man

to be fair, none of those Tories have the simplest idea or clue of what they are talking about, everyone of their questions come written on a piece of paper by researchers who know absolute 'jackschiytt' about the railway, but have a degree out of a university in art history and a mam and dad with influence via their business within the conservative party - that's how it works for the chinless wonders - that's a reasonably easy day for the 'Mick Lynch's ' of this world - like taking candyfloss off kids on Redcar seafront.​
I’ve just seen this again. I can’t get my head around one bloke going up in a select committee hearing and calmly wiping the floor with MPs, one after the other, completely showing up those who are trying to catch him out ( eg the driverless trains bloke) but who have a minuscule fraction of the knowledge of the topic than he does.
Just calm, factual, sensible, informed responses. Brilliant to see the working man standing up to the establishment and showing them up.
This man and those like him are what this country lacks.

The way that a procession of Tory MP's tried to undermine him was frankly pathetic and why politics is shot under this government - people driven by rhetoric and party agenda, rather than a desire to understand the issue and seek progress and resolutions, which is the oversight that the select committee is designed to achieve.