Middlesbrough Public Asked To Name Issues They Want Investigated


Staff member
Middlesbrough Council Press Release - and I guess it is only really addressed to people living in Middlesbrough.

Middlesbrough residents are being asked to share the aspects of life in the town they would like Councillors to put under the spotlight.

The call is part of Middlesbrough Council’s Scrutiny process in which elected members explore any topic which affects local people and the area they live in.

These frequently relate to the work of the Council but can also involve other relevant organisations and bodies.

Middlesbrough Council has a number of Scrutiny panels that undertake detailed, evidence-based reviews covering areas ranging from the environment, health and social care to community safety, regeneration, housing and transport.

Examples of previous investigations include planning capacity, waste management and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on dental services.

At the end of the exercise an investigation report is prepared, summarising the panel’s findings and putting forward recommendations to make Middlesbrough a better place to live and work.

Topics should broadly relate to community issues that affect the people of the borough.

Residents are welcome to attend Scrutiny meetings where these topics are being discussed.

Councillors are now deciding which topics they want to look into over the coming year, and welcome suggestions from a variety of sources including local residents.

A Middlesbrough Council spokesman said: “The views of local people play a key part in determining the issues investigated by our Scrutiny panels.

“It’s chance to change the way the Council and its partners operate for the better, and in turn improve quality of life across the town and beyond.”
  • To put forward a topic for potential Scrutiny review, email scrutiny@middlesbrough.gov.uk or write to the Democratic Services Team, PO Box 503, Town Hall, Middlesbrough, TS1 9FX.
The closing date for submissions is Friday, June 14.
The 'we' in my comment was in a collective capacity, made for the greater good of all the board members, as long as they were Middlesbrough residents!