Mind uploading


Active member
I was going to post something in the other thread, but not wanting to confuse the philosophical question. With modern science advancement and lots of investment, by people like Elon Musk, human mind interfaces will probably be available within the next 50 years.

If you could upload your consciousness/mind into a robot/computer would you?

Are you "you" if you do?
By 'human mind interfaces' do you mean brain computer interfaces?

Mind uploading sounds like something completely different.
I have no idea really, I've read little bits, yes brain computer interface sounds about right, I'm going to get my brain uploaded into a war robot and blast the bullies with my rocket arms.
I expect some huge advances for people needing artificial limbs, stroke and alzheimer victims perhaps. This will require some sort of surgery, so unlikely to become job related rather than a health or life necessity I'd say.

The brain is incredibly complicated, amazing and elastic. The more we know the more complicated it reveals itself to be. I don't think we will be uploading the 'mind' any time soon. More likely we will insert something into the brain to augment where deficient, while AI is developed to run more things optimally.
There are a couple of brain interfaces currenty under quite advanced reasearch at the minute one is a kind of mind browser that connects your brain to the internet and simply thinking things brings information directly into the visual cortex so you see the answers.

Whilst they are already feasible and some exist already that use other biological interfaces and don;t interface directly wit hthe brain. Some hearing devices are available that vibrate the bone in the inner ear that the brain interprets as sound. It is using whats already there. The problem with a direct brain interface is that each of our brains are wired very differently, the nueron connections are different frmo person to person.

Thats like wiring a stero up in a jumbo jet with the wiring diagram from a ford fiesta. It might work..

Uploading our brains into a computer isn't possible in the way you mean. You would nead an artificial neural net that exactly mirrored our neural pathways. That would take 100 billion connections in a single chip. Can't be done at the moment or even in the near future.

Our brains complexity makes deep blue look like a 1980's pocket calculator.

We do have storage devices that could store all meaningful human knowledge. Storing my knowledge could be done on a thumb drive.