Pea shoots


Well-known member
When did they become a thing?
Bitter nasty things that should be nowhere near food instead of camouflaging dishes from many pub kitchens.
They first burst on to the scene in around 2011/12 as Celebrity Chefs started to garnish certain dishes.

They soon became a disease - now I can't stand them as they're pretty much placed on any form of plate from a commercial kitchen. l once had to convince an restaurant owner that these manky shoots were costing approx. £2,000 per year and ended up either on the side of the plate and ultimately in the bin.
They first burst on to the scene in around 2011/12 as Celebrity Chefs started to garnish certain dishes.

They soon became a disease - now I can't stand them as they're pretty much placed on any form of plate from a commercial kitchen. l once had to convince an restaurant owner that these manky shoots were costing approx. £2,000 per year and ended up either on the side of the plate and ultimately in the bin.
One or two I could tolerate and move to one side, but my pizza last night was covered in them.
I mean, they're fine. Wouldn't go out of my way to include them in my dishes but if they appear on my restaurant meal, i'll eat them