Penny Mordaunt

A total embarrassment of a speech from a total embarrassment of a party. How this lot have stayed in office for 13 years is beyond me. England, bloody hell.
Penny is the most beautiful, sexiest MP around. Her constituents in Portsmouth must love her for her looks alone. If I lived there I would be visiting her surgery regularly over mundane matters 😂 probably get banned for stalking 😩
Penny - for you I stood up to fight. And the person next me followed my lead and stood up to fight also.

Even the dog got got involved, and before I knew it, the Mrs and the dog had both kicked the crap out of me.

Penny - please can you help me find a NHS dentist ?
Stand up and fight

For a country where you can get a pizza delivered within half an hour and you’d be lucky to get an ambulance to turn up if you were dying

Where you can go to hospital and die on a gurney in a corridor before making it onto a ward.

Where you have seen energy bills triple, alongside profits for the cartels who own them.

Where you can see an unelected prime minister with the IQ of a houseplant have a tenure of a few days and wreak havoc and cause irreparable damage to the economy.

Where a government can award emergency contracts to their friends enabling them to make millions of pounds to provide safety equipment to the NHS, despite having no previous experience of producing such items

For a country where w@knees in sharp suits can gamble with billions of pounds and if they win, trouser the lot and if they lose, public money can be used to pay back the deficit and afterwards, so called ‘benefit scroungers’ immigrants and those on the fringes of society are blamed.

Where a billionaire goblin who states he knows no working class people can decide what’s best for the millions of them that live in this country

Where when asked to provide his mobile phone to assist those conducting an enquiry into illegal activities carried out by those who are supposed to set an example can lose said phone and not be challenged on it.

Where public sector workers are vilified for daring to ask for enough money to live on.

Where soldiers can fight for their country and afterwards end up homeless and cast aside.

Where you have to pay to watch television if you are unfortunate enough to have to stay in hospital.

Where people whose loved ones are dying have to pay to park at hospitals when they visit them.

Where we shut steel works and import steel from the other side of the world propping up crooked and cruel regimes.

Where the government can tell you that you’re paying considerably more for basic commodities because of a war in Ukraine, despite once again the supermarkets making obscene profits.

Where it’s illegal to demonstrate against all the horrific things that the government does to its people

Where the media is controlled and you’re fed none stop propaganda designed to distract people from what is happening.

Where the infrastructure has been sold to vampires who are screwing us all into the ground.
Nailed it 100 per cent