Royal Family


Well-known member
How can it be in this day and age we allow this to continue? They 'own' the land under the sea I've never heard of anything so utterly laughable in all my life. The land should be taken off them along with all the others that have stolen land over hundreds of years and the money back to the gov to spend on everyone.

Well they’ve got to finance Andrew’s personal helicopter somehow . Yeah him that has his snout more so in the trough than the other hangers on . Him that conveniently never gets a mention and has slipped out of the way when one of us ‘ serfs ‘ would of been rightly brought to justice
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Well they’ve got to finance Andrew’s personal helicopter somehow . Yeah him that has his snout more so in the trough than the other hangers on . Him that conveniently never gets a mention and has slipped out of the way when one of us ‘ serfs ‘ would of been rightly brought to justice
He'll get his once Maxwell goes down.
I’m not exactly sure what benefit it is to them it’s not like they can be seen driving around Ferraris and buying holiday homes around the world . It will only stack up and get passed down from one generation to the next .
The cap doffing sheep will be along in a minute, worshiping a oddball family just because who their mams n dads were, its weird
How can it be in this day and age we allow this to continue? They 'own' the land under the sea I've never heard of anything so utterly laughable in all my life. The land should be taken off them along with all the others that have stolen land over hundreds of years and the money back to the gov to spend on everyone.

Unfortunately they wouldn’t spend it on everyone.
I’m not exactly sure what benefit it is to them it’s not like they can be seen driving around Ferraris and buying holiday homes around the world . It will only stack up and get passed down from one generation to the next .

They are ok with that. Passing it on to their own as long as the minions don't get any. Always been the way with the rich. They always want a few bob more.

I like the OP am incredulous that they hold exclusive rights to lease the seabed around the British Isles. No f**king wonder the want to get us in to building wind turbines.
I dare say theyl be a timeline planned out for oil and Itl be favoured in for something to replace that over time . Electric cars won’t mean free fuel or even cheaper fuel , wel finish taxed one way or another
And yet former members of HER MAJESTY'S ARMED FORCES are begging on the streets of Britain.
The after effects of Covid and the deprivation on communities coming til the next election will put a strain on the uba protected royal family
Poverty out there always applies pressure on privilege and I’d love to see them fall on their sword as these stories just shine a light on how abhorrent it is in this day and age that their generational wealth goes unchallenged