Sleep deprivation on top of mental hell


Well-known member
The perpetual battle with my own brain appears more and more futile with each arduous day. Sorry for being doom and gloom but I'm tired, in every sense.
It can be a vicious cycle that way - I hope you can get some relaxation and sleep Scuba. Try and distract your mind by doing something different or something that keeps your mind busy!
I’m probably not being much help but take care Scuba I’m rooting for you as the rest of the board will be!
I struggle to sleep scuba, is it not just an age thing, we need less sleep as we get older. I find it so frustrating though.
The perpetual battle with my own brain appears more and more futile with each arduous day. Sorry for being doom and gloom but I'm tired, in every sense.
Have you spoke with any metal health workers mate. I've been retired from the Community Mental Health Teams for a while now but every Care coordinator has had training in helping with sleep and all have sleep packs designed to help people get their sleep pattern sorted. They work very well in most cases.
Easy to say but getting a disciplined sleep pattern is so important. It takes discipline especially those times when you have time on your hands.
I worked out I needed 7 hours of good sleep and I try to stick rigidly to going to bed and waking times.
I try and make sure I am physically tired by exercise. And the last hour before bed I avoid mentally challenging issues.

Thats the theory anyway. But its so easy to slip - one late night or an afternoon nap and it takes a lot to get back in sync.
It can be a b***r, Scoobs. I can't sleep for more than 4 hours at a time, then I'm knackered all day. People have posted good advice on here mate. Never ever be afraid to seek the professional help available.

Best wishes, Scoobs.
Same for me, suffering with stress, anxiety and depression. Hard to stay asleep and have to go to the toilet regularly through the night. Try to establish a routine and dont nap during the day.
I often listen to the radio in the early hours. The occasional interesting and humorous nugget. A lot of dross though which helps get back to sleep.
Some simple things to try might be lavender oil on your pillow, and try not to use electronic devices for an hour or so before bedtime.

I struggle with sleep and have done for many years but it has become much more pronounced over the last year or so. I sometimes head into the spare room as we have blackout blinds and curtains in there and the darkness really does help.

The most difficult thing when you lay down to sleep is that is the point where your thoughts and feelings come to the fore. Very difficult to manage but definitely seek help whether that’s help with counsellors, friends or even just allowing the members of the board to vent with and let off steam.

For all the different viewpoints and disagreements on here, the magic of this board is that when needed every person will be there to help another.
Sorry to hear this Scoobs. Are you thinking about work? A notebook by the bed can help if thoughts or ideas intrude.
As ever, the board is here for support.
Some good advice above.

I had a sleeping problem last summer which got to the point where I was dreading the approach of the evening knowing it would soon be bedtime and I wouldn’t be able to sleep.

The wife bought me a good book The Sleep Book by Guy Meadows which basically teaches you how to get rid of the spiral of anxiety caused by not being able to sleep.

You can’t make your body fall asleep you have to create the conditions which encourage it to just happen.

The more you worry about sleeping the less you sleep. Once you just accept you can’t sleep, face up to it and stop worrying about it then you find you start to fall asleep. The book teaches a few good techniques to stop worrying about it.

Takes a little bit of time with a bit of reading and re-reading the techniques each night to drive the anxiety away but it definitely worked for me.
Podcasts help me sleep massively, the more instrested I am, the better. I find I tend to engage with what they are discussing rather than thinking about other things. Even if I wake in the night ill stick it back on. Just a suggestion :)
Some nights I can be a swine and stay awake until dawn and get as little as 2 hours sleep. But you end up a bit zombie fied the next day.

I find it physically harder to sleep for long periods than I used to - it was never a problem when I was younger, when I always seem to sleepfor at least 8 hours like a baby. I never understood then how Margaret Thatcher could sleep for only 4 hours and work the next day. Now I can understand how she did it.
Scubes it’s a horrible uphill battle with your own thoughts. I sympathise and emphasise. No real advice really. I’ve been running at lunchtime walking in the evenings. I’m trying to do the run 200km in march challenge on Strava and I’m nearly there. I also decided about 10 days ago I wasn’t going to post on here anymore as I could stand or cope with reading all the bickering and the nastiness.....failed that one, miserably didn’t I....take care mate