Sunak's interview with Piers Morgan

This betting thing is a massive own goal. Labour just need to start a campaign of ads like those Twitter posts above and I'm certain they'll go viral.

He's so completely unsuitable to be in any sort of public service never mind PM.
He's basically still the same private school "head boy" (wonder how much that cost dad?) that he was as a teenager.

Fake smile, well behaved, following the same "rules" that no doubt serve you quite well in a private school. Look enthusiastic, don't rock the boat too much etc. Nothing about him comes across as remotely genuine.

Every time I see him in action I just thinks he looks like a posh, sheltered, school boy trying to act like he thinks a prime minister should act. Not an original thought in his brain and won't dare stand up to the strong characters in his party.
This betting thing is a massive own goal. Labour just need to start a campaign of ads like those Twitter posts above and I'm certain they'll go viral.

He's so completely unsuitable to be in any sort of public service never mind PM.

It's pretty disgusting behaviour isn't it?

Weirdly, I was reading a report saying some 'ex red wall' do love this kind of showy behaviour. It's all about looking up to status and admiring it.
Makes my stomach churn
Quite reassuring in a way that his "strategists" thought it'd be a good idea putting him up against Morgan of all people.

He's a **** who is good at dragging people to down to his level. Many of them far more quick witted and charismatic than Sunak.

Unless you're someone he wants to suck up to like Kevin Pietersen or Cristiano Ronaldo (and even then he still makes them look like the t*ts they are) you'd have to be mad thinking speaking to that gobshite is going to make you look good
Will be worth looking for an entry in his published expenses - £1000, miscellaneous interview costs.
Hope this works

Just watched it - I think The Times is right.
He looks as though he doesn't even know why he's shaking hands.

It's also fascinating they are taking this stance with Sunak and the Tories. It's not the first time in recent months and, much as predicted by The Byline Times. Each of the Tory rags gradually move away from them the closer it gets to the election with The Sun declaring, in the last couple of days, their hand.
The Times picked up on the bet thing this morning. A monumental gaffe that Sunak naieve ly just fell into. Worth a read.

Sunak looks shaky as he takes a punt on Rwanda.

That’s on the money. He really looked like he didn’t understand what he was doing. It’s probably the first ‘side-bet’ he‘s ever placed.

I wonder when the interview was filmed? Bad timing that it came out on his ‘fasted Monday’ when the media has already picked up he makes gaffs on a Monday. It’s like the lack of food makes his brain fuzzy. All very strange.

I do hope that GE is in May so we can get rid of this idiot.
That’s on the money. He really looked like he didn’t understand what he was doing. It’s probably the first ‘side-bet’ he‘s ever placed.
You what? His job was being involved in hedge funds. All a hedge fund does is place bets on which currency, security or other asset will rise or fall and off-set them against each other to make a profit. He spent his grubby business life literally hedging his bets!