Taking a atand


Well-known member
I have just posted on another thread on here, "What's the greatest thing you've ever done"? Having posted my response of

"As a long serving police officer I stood up as a whistleblower and took a stand about wrong doing in the police service.

The matter is still on going and has been for over a year now with a lot more twists and turns still to go. I have paid a heavy price in my personal and family life and it is very likely I am going to have to leave the service. I have lost a lot of long time friends in the job and the stress of it all has cost me my marriage. My health has deteriorated and am I financially worse off because of this. The whole process has taken a considerable toll on me but I know it was the right course to take and I can stand tall and look myself in the mirror.

I am not sure "greatest" is the right word to use but it is by far and away the most difficult, arduous but the morally and ethically the correct thing to do and if I am successful it should benefit the local communities"

I decided that it might help me a bit to see and hear of stories from other fellow posters on here who at some point in their lives have made a stance against something they saw or deemed to be wrong. I was hoping to draw a bit of inspiration and confidence ftom the experiences of others.

Thanks in advance for any contributions however large or small.
Good luck to you, you are doing the right thing and your integrity is shining out.

Unfortunately despite what many employers preach and expect, it often doesn't end well for whistle blowers. I hope that's not the case for you, too many people put the corporate body and its protection ahead of doing the right thing, which is really the enabler of corruption and bad practice.
Mfc79 I for one would like to thank-you for your courage and personal sacrifice. It is a brave thing to do especially if you are alone in doing so. It is so easy to carry on and go with the crowd but takes a special kind of person to stand their ground and do the right thing.
Good luck in your endeavours.
I took a stand.
At first I didn’t really know what I was standing against but I started working through emotional issues I was having at quite a young age, as I was a mess.
Ended up realising how f***ed my life was and realised how bad my family had been for me.
Lost all my relationships, my sense of self, challenged all my beliefs about everything.
Financially struggled , have been so unwell at times I couldn’t hold down jobs and even ended up on the street for a bit.
10 years on after starting that process I still haven’t healed to a place of enjoying my life fully.
Unexpectedly I’m really into God now and my life is quite lonely at times but incredibly beautiful and far more simple. I have just a few, but great people around me.
It’s been a hell of a ride but I wouldn’t change it for anything.
Lots of detail that’s hard to talk about I’ve missed out but people often comment on how easy going I am and say lots of positive things.
I tend to be very truthful which people either love or hate. Or love until I say something they don’t like!
Now I’m passionate to keep going and really free myself from oppressive systems and beliefs. I believe in love again.
I was taught to live my life by doing the right thing and not the easy thing.

I dont have a big story as you have, but I have stood up in my career and challenged those around me when I thought the course of action was wrong. It has without doubt cost me, missing out on promotions and friendships.
However, the thing that I hold on to. My conscience is clear, I sleep soundly without feeling of guilt. I have brought my kids up to do the same, as my Dad did me. I have a sense of pride that if I was religious I would be able to get through the pearly gates, unfortunately I am not religious, but just in case.

Congratulations for standing up to do the right thing, if everyone took your example I am sure that this would be a better time to live.
Like etmfc I would like to thank you for your courage and personal and professional courage.

I am always sickened by the actions of steroid filled senior officers who bully, intimidate, handcuff, arrest, throw to the ground and
lie to people that have done nothing wrong other than film the police whilst they are on duty, which, they have every right to do. ( first amendment of the constitution )

I have seen many "first amendment Audits " on youtube and that sort of behaviour by the police is rife throughout the USA.

What sickens me even more is the inaction of other officers standing by and watching on and don't intervene when they themselves
know that no crime has been committed and that the only crime that is being committed is by their senior officer.

For those that do know their rights and have the funds to take the arrest to court, often win a payout. Sadly " it's we the people" the
taxpayer that are the ones that have to cough up the money and not the police as they have " qualified immunity".

The divide between the people and the police will only widen as we don't seem to have enough principled people like yourself amongst the ranks.

I have nothing but full admiration for people like yourself who risk everything for the sake of honesty and justice.
It should be a " given " that all police, aspire to protecting the peoples that pay their wages. It seems that many have forgotten the oath that they
took when joining the police force, but , you didn't.
Again, I thank you and wish you all the best during your difficult times.