The Social Dilemma on Netflix


Active member
I understand it’s a 90 minute documentary airing one side of the argument, but I thought it was a fascinating insight into the monitisation of social media addiction, and I thought even more insightful was the polarisation of political views.

It always struck me post brexit how I didn’t seem to share friendships with an opposing view of mine towards brexit, this documentary suggests that this was perhaps an artificial perception created by social media feeds.

An essential watch, particularly those with children
Watched it last night and immediately deleted the Facebook app. Still use Twitter for my football stuff but I'm very quick to block/mute stuff that will either **** me off or make me anxious.

I don't have kids yet, but it scares me to think they will grow up with this embedded into their lives and as much as I will want them to not use it, the pressures from their friends will make it very very difficult.

My favourite quote was from the main guy, who compared scrolling to refresh your Facebook feed to using the slot machines.